Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'm Published!

Ok, I'm a dork, but I'm giddy excited that I'm published.  Check it out here!  It's a really funny blog.  She will give you a chuckle or two to say the least.  I'm praying it helps bring the support in!  Every little bit helps, every single dollar add up.  I'm nervous and excited that I may have end up with short hair!....  Remember use Tax deductible button on this site or go here. When that grant reaches $20,000 I will lop it all off.

We had a great meeting with our pastors today.  I am feeling more encouraged after our conversation.  I will write more about that later. 

URGENT!!!!!!  We received word today that there are some laws potentially going into effect that could make it so we can't bring Jeremy home and that he will have to stay in the oprhanage/institution.  Us and many others have been instructed to step it up with the paper work.  We HAVE to hurrry!  So I am pleading with you to please donate.  The only gift too small is NOTHING.  I promise that we understand the economy is tight.  So if a $1 is what you have to give, we are grateful and Jeremy is grateful.  That $1 can help him have all he's ever dreamed of.



  1. I'll be putting this on my blog tonight, after the storms blow through our area!

  2. OK, it's now on my blog, on both of my facebook pages, and on twitter!!!

  3. So far, your post has recieved 208 views, and I know of 3 people that are going to repost it on their blogs, and it says it has been shared on FB 27 times :)
